Why God's Interest Is in the Jew

Chapter Five


Where there is no vision, the people perish. God calls men to service. The faithful respond. At the same time the Lord uses men and means to accomplish His purposes. To the Lord be all the glory for the accomplishments of the Biblical Research Society which has as its primary objective the evangelization of all Israel in this generation as the Lord leads and enables.

In obedience to the call of God, His guidance, and overruling providence, I was led to certain men after much prayer, requesting them to become charter members of the Society. Thus in June, 1930, this Society was formed. From it was selected a Board of consecrated men and women who have been carrying on its activities through the eleven years of its existence.

This Society is a faith organization. It has no endowment; it takes no pledges; it makes no personal appeals for funds but believes that God’s work done in God’s way never lacks God’s support. For eleven years God has made good His promises. In these eleven years by God’s grace and in answer to believing prayer the Society has been able to publish over 2,000,000 copies of the various books, booklets and tracts, written by myself, and to distribute them free in this world-wide seed-sowing. These volumes range from a book of 570 pages down to a booklet of 48 pages. They deal with the various stumbling blocks that are in the path of Israel and are hindering her from seeing the truth. The Society has endeavored in the language of the passage under consideration to remove these stones and to throw up the highway, by giving the truth to Israel in order that the way may be made for the coming of her Messiah.

Let it be repeated that the Messiah will never return to Israel and establish the Kingdom until the way has been prepared for His coming by those who know God and believe in prayer.

Of course, no one in the Society believes that it is alone in this effort. There are many organizations, I am glad to say, and faithful missionaries whom the Lord is using in preparing Israel for the advent of King Messiah.

The Biblical Research Society has a definitely fixed policy of cooperating with every missionary, or society, or group who can sign its statement of faith and who wish such collaboration.


The Biblical Research Society believes that all methods and means, scriptural and efficient, should be employed in preaching the gospel. It has been led to adopt a seven-point program which consists of the production and circulation of suitable literature, personal work, radio ministry, branch group activities, training institutes, conferences, and the publication of its official organ, Biblical Research Monthly.


The pen is mightier than the sword. Tracts, pamphlets, and books take their messages to myriads who in no other way could ever be reached. They can be given personally or sent through the mails and reach the one for whom they are intended. Unlike the oral word given from the pulpit, on the street, or over the radio, the printed page is ever present in the office or in the home of the recipient and ready to deliver its message and will repeat it as often as it is read. It is therefore the most efficient, the most economical, and the speediest way of spreading the gospel in a permanent manner.

Included in the literary activity of the Society are the production and free distribution of its Messianic Series (a set of seven volumes when completed) for the educated classes of Jewry together with booklets and tracts for those, educationally considered, who are less favored.

The Society also produces literature to show Christians Israel’s place in the plan of God and the necessity of giving the truth to her NOW. It also has booklets, Lessons on Child Evangelism, prepared by Miss Hattie O. Shaffer. These studies are so prepared that the truth regarding the Lord may be understood by both Jewish and Gentile children. Childhood is the time to reach the little ones.

Personal Work

The Society urges people to take special training whenever possible in order that they might know the proper approach to the Jew. In this way they can avoid giving needless offense and can the more efficiently make Christ known to him. Many in the groups are doing individual work and are distributing the Society’s books personally and also the New Testament.

Radio Ministry

At different times the Society has had messages by electrical transcription put over various stations throughout the country. The representatives of the Society also often in person have opportunities of delivering messages over the radio. The Society did conduct a local radio ministry in Los Angeles but had to discontinue it. It hopes shortly to resume this ministry. By this means the truth can be given to tens of thousands at a time. Earnest prayer is requested for this phase of the work.

Branch Societies

The Society has established a hundred and twenty-odd Branches throughout the United States, Canada, Australia, and many other foreign lands. The Australian branches have published the first four books of the Messianic Series and are distributing them to the Jews in Australia. All branch groups are volunteer helpers. They gather the names of Jews locally and send the Messianic Series to them.

As individual members of the Branches have time and opportunity, they also make personal contacts with Jews, and a number of them have won Hebrews to a saving knowledge of the Lord. Eternity alone will reveal the good accomplished by these loyal groups.

Training Institutes and Bible Classes

In different sections of the country the Society holds training institutes for the purpose of instructing those who wish to evangelize Israel. To this end in Los Angeles each winter Bible classes, which have proved a great blessing to many, are held.

In 1939 the Society conducted what is known as the Palestinian Biblical Institute. Forty-six responded to the call to go to the country of the Redeemer and there study the Scriptures in the light of the land. A number of ministers, Christian workers, and Sunday school teachers took advantage of this unparalleled opportunity and received a great spiritual blessing. When the war is over, the Lord willing, the Society hopes to conduct another Palestinian Institute—should the Lord tarry.


The Society holds its regular annual conference at Montrose, Pennsylvania, in August. In addition to this one, the field conference speakers and I conduct conferences in various sections of the country. Thus, literally, tens of thousands of people are reached by the Society through these conferences, where souls are saved and saints edified.

Biblical Research Monthly

The Society has an official organ, Biblical Research Monthly. It is carrying its message to twenty-odd countries and to every state in the Union. Its chief objective is to lay emphasis upon messianic and prophetic truth. At the same time it gives a full rounded spiritual diet that has proved a blessing to thousands. The Lord has put His stamp of approval upon these several methods of sending His truth forth to thousands upon thousands of hungry hearts. Truly God has called the Biblical Research Society into being to assist in the world-wide seed-sowing in Israel. Pray and assist in this ministry. The Society asks every faithful child of God into whose hands this booklet may fall to pray very earnestly and daily that it may be used in God’s cause to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ and to spread the glad tidings of salvation to the greatest number in the shortest length of time. The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with all of you.

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